Turn on the engine that powers your business

  • What if you could increase your sales and brand awareness in 8 weeks?

  • What if you could play offense, rather than always react?

  • What if you could become a major name in your product category? 

A brand with an amazing product is selling less than their competitors… sound familiar?

We often talk to brands who are behind in sales for their category, despite having great products.

Better quality… better customer service… incredible features and benefits… and yet they are often capturing less than 1% of their category’s sales.

A brand owner named Anthony recently came to us for help with his e-commerce business. Look at the difference between his monthly Shopify sales (in orange) and the top 10 Amazon brands (in blue):

He was selling 0.4% of Amazon’s addressable market with one of the best products available. These sales numbers would have ranked him in the bottom 8% of brands if he was selling on Amazon.


We discovered something even more upsetting when Anthony sent us this email:

Wait… what? YEARS of underperforming?

And doing NOTHING about it?

Years of stress and frustration with zero action despite having one of the best products in his category… and this happens all the time!

Entrepreneurs and brand managers spend years specializing in their specific roles. With little e-commerce experience, it's difficult to learn the nuance of every platform. This can paralyze them from taking the action that will propel their brand to success.

Here’s the good news: we are about to show you how anyone can take sales to the next level.

We talk to owners and managers like Anthony every single month. These are intelligent people who want their brand to succeed online, but they just can’t seem to make it happen.

Do you know anyone like this?

Now time for a tougher question… are you facing a similar struggle?

It’s easy to look at other brands and judge. We’re guilty of this too. But let’s talk about you.

Have you been underperforming in sales? Have you allowed inaction to hold your brand back from its true potential? Have you tried to increase sales and brand awareness… but even though you wanted it… it just didn’t happen?

Getting stuck happens to smart people. Getting stuck happens to competent entrepreneurs and brand managers, not just the lazy.

Getting unstuck is often the hardest part.

When a lack of experience causes that friction, the difficulty gets multiplied.

When you launched your brand, you probably never imagined how difficult it would be to get customers interested in your product... or even just AWARE of your product.

Your products are capable of so much more, but you don’t quite know how to get from where you are now to bigger success.

So, how do you get unstuck? How do you become a brand who dominates your product category?  

Launching on Amazon – your key ingredient for SUCCESS

Warren Buffet once said:

 “It’s far less important how hard you row than what boat you’re in.”


At this moment, do you feel like your brand is in the correct boat?

Some brands are rowing hard and getting nowhere. At the same time, other brands have their feet kicked up on the top deck. They are achieving MUCH more with less effort by being in the right place.

We have helped dozens of brands go from high effort / minimal results to low effort / massive results. We want to help you make that change today too.

Launching on Amazon will get your brand on the right boat.

Below, we have listed the 5 key drivers of selling on Amazon that most underperforming brands don’t understand.

And we’re giving this to you for FREE.

We normally charge thousands in consulting calls to help brands understand the benefits of Amazon. We want to show you now so you take action.

Here are some reasons why selling on Amazon will take your brand to a new level of success:

You will reach a larger audience:

  • Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce platforms with millions of active customers.

  • Launching on Amazon will allow you to reach a much larger audience than you are able to right now.

You will increase your brand’s visibility

  • Amazon is a highly visible platform. It will be easier for customers to find your products when searching for them.

  • Selling on Amazon will increase your total visibility and total sales.

You will gain new customers:

  • Amazon is a safe and reliable platform, which builds trust with new customers. This is important for acquiring customers.

  • Many customers who become loyal end up buying from the seller's website.

You will sell more units:

  • Customers prefer to use Amazon because of the convenience it offers. This includes one-click ordering, stored payment options, fast delivery, and easy returns.

  • Amazon has increased purchasing behavior by making the buying process low-friction and low-risk. This means more sales for brands that sell on the platform.

You will reach new markets:

  • Selling on Amazon can help you expand your business. You will be able to reach new domestic and international markets.

Years ago, my family was getting ready to sit down for Thanksgiving dinner. Only then did we realize we never turned on the oven during the entire 5-hour roast… can you believe that?

We had a good laugh about it...

...but that simple flick of the “on” switch was the reason we didn’t get to eat delicious turkey that Thanksgiving.

That idea stuck with me – how one tiny decision could make such a dramatic impact on success.

What if the engine that powers your entire business was never switched to “on?”

Launching on Amazon is the fuel that will power your entire business to grow on all channels.

What would it feel like to 10x sales?

We often tell these underperforming brands:

“You could double sales overnight and no one would even notice.”

These brands sell so little compared to their total Amazon market. They could double their sales, and it would be easy.

Remember Anthony? Well, we ended up working with his brand. Look at his sales numbers after launching on Amazon:

In just 5 months, we helped Anthony launch his brand on Amazon and increase monthly sales by nearly $50,000.

Anthony’s brand went from the bottom 8% to rank #3 in his product category on Amazon.

And check out the review score on his main product one year after launch:


1,169 reviews and a 4.7-star rating!

How would you feel if your product had 4.7 stars and 1,000+ reviews on Amazon

What would your life look like if you could 10x your sales?

Seriously – imagine how your friends and family might think of you differently if you succeeded at that level.

Could you spend more time with your family and less time sitting at your desk?

Could you finally take that vacation you’ve always dreamed about?

If your product was actually THRIVING, would showing up to work be more exciting?

What if you knew exactly how to grow your sales… would your confidence increase?

You know the answer: life would get so much better.

Imagine searching a generic keyword on Amazon, such as “healthy snack for children." You click search, and your brand shows up at the top looking like this:


Your brand is now

  • Dominating all the top product placements

  • Getting multiple “Best Seller” badges

  • Showing thousands of reviews at 4.5+ stars on every product

  • Displaying beautiful and consistent branding on all images

You can have this level of visibility and dominance on Amazon too.

The first step in that direction is launching your brand on the platform.

“But isn’t it too late for me to succeed on Amazon?”


I already know what you’re thinking:

“But how can I beat the giants that are already on Amazon?”

Smaller brands are succeeding on Amazon every day. You now need a more sophisticated strategy for success, and we are about to show you exactly how.


“But I don’t have the skills to launch on Amazon”

Launching on Amazon just got a lot easier. We are about to show you how anyone can launch on Amazon in 8 weeks.


“But I don’t have the budget to do this” 

The cost of not launching your brand on Amazon is too high. It’s time to switch on the engine that powers your entire business.



 Amazon Launch is the quick and easy way to launch your brand on Amazon (and get it right the first time) in just 8 weeks


  • Even if... you know nothing about Amazon FBA or Amazon Seller Central

  • Even if... you’re a brand selling under 7-figures per year

  • Even if... you’re overwhelmed and don’t know how to get started

And especially if you are ready to take sales to the next level. It's time to transform your brand into something much larger than it is now.

Amazon Launch is an 8-week “done for you” service by Granitsa that helps you get your brand fully launched and integrated to Amazon’s seller platform.

You will go from having no account to having a properly set up Amazon seller account with:

  • FBA inventory for your full product catalog

  • Optimized listings for your full product catalog

  • Amazon ad campaigns for your full product catalog

  • Initial reviews

  • And more!


What will you accomplish with Amazon Launch?

  • You will have an active Amazon account that showcases your brand's products

  • You will bring your products to life with high converting listing pages

  • By the end, you will have an amazing brand presence on the world's largest marketplace

  • Your products will be Amazon Prime eligible in all 50 states

  • You will drive motivated customers to your products with ads

  • You will be able to grow your business by selling to customers who want your products

Included in Amazon Launch

  • Granitsa will walk you through the complicated process of creating an account on Amazon Seller Central, making sure your account is created correctly the first time, avoiding common mistakes that could prove expensive or result in delays.

    • 1-on-1 Zoom call where we activate your Amazon Seller Central Account

    • (BONUS) Granitsa’s Seller Central Onboarding Sheet, which allows you to only gather the information you need saving you time and mistakes

  • Granitsa will enroll your trademark with Amazon Brand Registry with you and connect it to your Amazon account, making sure your account has full brand control over all your brand’s listings. Granitsa will make sure this is completed correctly the first time, avoiding common mistakes that could prove expensive or result in delays.

    • We will get your brand’s Trademark enrolled in Brand Registry

    • Brand Registry connection to your Amazon Seller Central account

    • (BONUS) Granitsa’s Brand Registry Onboarding Sheet, which allows you to only gather the information you need saving you time and mistakes

  • Granitsa creates your listings for you, entering in all the required information correctly the first time. Amazon could permanently lock in certain information and not allow future changes, which is why you have to get this step of the process 100% correct. Mistakes at this point may haunt you for as long as you are selling on Amazon.

    • We will create your listings for you, including parent-child variation families.

    • Granitsa will submit all documentation and deal directly with Amazon support on your behalf to get you ungated in your product’s category.

    • We’ll enroll your products as “stickerless” (if possible) – allowing you to ship products without Amazon labels (saving you time and money).

  • Granitsa will use software tools and conduct Amazon research to analyze your market and determine your optimal product pricing, product positioning, and initial keyword insights.

    • Competitor & Customer Research PDF, which provides insights for your brand’s listing optimization and brand store optimization

    • Market research report that quantifies demand for your products and measures the level of competition in the product category

    • (BONUS) SKU Rationalization Analysis & Report (You’ll know how profitable your products are after all Amazon fees. This will help you focus on profitable products, and will guide your pricing strategy. This also allows us to set and track ad spend budgets at the SKU level.)

    • (BONUS) Keyword Research and Initial Keyword Targeting List

  • Granitsa will get your first 5 listings and brand store optimized – significantly increasing your clicks, conversion rate, and the ability to sell your products at higher prices.

    • Top-to-bottom brand store strategy and listing strategy for your first 5 products

    • Unlimited Adobe Stock image licensing for your first 5 Amazon listings

    • Listing titles, bullet points, image design and A+ content design for your first 5 Amazon listings

    • A/B testing on your first 5 products’ main images

    • Amazon Brand Store design (home page + product category pages)

    • Listing and Brand Store uploads to Amazon.com

    • (BONUS) Our Optimization Tracking Sheet, which will help you stay on top of where you are in the optimization process for all of your listings

    • (BONUS) Our Photoshop Blueprint for Amazon, which includes photoshop templates for Amazon listing images, A+ content modules and Brand Store content blocks

  • Setting up your FBA shipping settings in Seller Central and shipping in your first FBA shipment can feel overwhelming and difficult the first time. The stakes are high, as a small administrative mistake can result in inventory being lost for extended periods of time or even permanently. Granitsa will set up and create your first FBA shipments with you, getting your products to FBA quickly, while minimizing Amazon fees and shipping costs.

    • We will input your shipping settings in Seller Central for you, and create your first shipment, send you the labels in pdf format, wait for configurations from your team, input them into the shipment plan, and complete the shipping plan within Seller Central.

    • (BONUS) FBA Onboarding Sheet

    • (BONUS) FBA Shipping Guide PDF and video walkthrough, including each step of the process, including how to label, pack, and ship into FBA

  • With a constantly growing list of Amazon advertising options, running ads on Amazon can be extremely difficult and confusing. Granitsa will conduct keyword research for you and launch a proven initial ad campaign structure, getting your products visible in Amazon search and on competitor listing pages.

    • We will conduct keyword research and set up all your initial ad campaigns according to our proven ad launch plan.

    • We will set up your initial ad campaigns customized to your budget and your brand’s goals, preventing any wasted ad spend on keywords that don’t convert.

    • (BONUS) Our Keyword Analysis Excel Tool, for optimizing keyword bids using Amazon search term data

    • (BONUS) Referrals for trusted ad management software and agency partners

    • (BONUS) Priority access to Granitsa Ad Management services

  • Granitsa will help get your products properly launched with assistance in getting initial sales and initial reviews.

    • Product enrollment into Amazon Vine for initial product reviews

    • Product package insert design that links to your Amazon review page – increasing positive feedback from happy customers

Hear from brands who joined Amazon Launch

“I want to take the time to recognize Granitsa’s Amazon Launch program and the impact it has had on my brand’s success. Things get hectic, and I forget to recognize the people that are working so hard to help my brand succeed.

In the first 3 months following Amazon Launch, I made $137K in Amazon sales. Granitsa does great work, and I would recommend their Amazon Launch program to anyone looking for help in getting their products moving on Amazon.”

– Gene Luoma, Owner of the Zip-It Drain Snake

I want to thank the Amazon Launch program and the Granitsa team for this year’s sales and the business in general. This launch process works, and I appreciate everyone’s persistence in making the Fluidity business succeed.

In the first year following Amazon Launch, we made over $200K in Amazon sales.”

– Michelle Austin, Owner of Fluidity Barre

“It has been such a relief and breath of fresh air to have found Granitsa’s Amazon Launch program. I am so excited about my brand’s future and can't believe how fast the Amazon channel has grown already.

It literally took years to find something like Amazon Launch, but it was definitely worth the wait. It means a lot that Granitsa’s team was thorough, prompt, and taught us how the Amazon process works along the way.

The professionalism of everyone on Granitsa’s team is A+ and it speaks to the kind of organization they have built. I love speaking to their team on Zoom calls, and I honestly feel like I could talk shop with their team for hours. So thanks to the Granitsa team for making this process fun as well.”

– Brandon Zisman, Owner of Happy Gardens

“Before I got started with Granitsa’s Amazon Launch program, I was stuck trying to start selling on Amazon with no success – I couldn’t even get my products listed. I started Amazon Launch, and it was one of the best decisions. Thanks to the program and Granitsa’s creative problem solving, we were able to launch 6 new products on Amazon and significantly increase sales.

– [Name Redacted], Vice President


Sign up for Amazon Launch today 100% risk-free. If we don’t finish what we promise in 8 weeks, we will continue to work for you free of charge until we get it done. During Amazon Launch, we promise to:

  1. Create your Amazon account

  2. Enroll your trademark with Brand Registry and connect it to your Amazon account

  3. Create your first 5 listings in Amazon's catalog

  4. Conduct market research and position your first 5 products

  5. Optimize your first 5 listings' product titles/ bullet point/ images/ A+ content

  6. Design your Brand Store's home page and product category pages

  7. Set up Amazon FBA shipping and help you send in your first shipment

  8. Set up your initial Amazon Advertising campaigns

  9. Help you go live, get your first sale, and enroll your products in Amazon Vine

Launch on Amazon Today


If you have any questions or concerns about Amazon Launch, email us.
We’re happy to help.


Your Success Story Begins Here

Getting your brand “on the right boat” means getting your brand in the right place. It means you need to connect with the right experts that will help get you where you’re going.

We spend so much of our lives hoping for the day where we somehow figure it out… but that rarely ever happens.

For every opportunity that presents itself we say, “maybe this isn’t the optimal next move.”

...and the years pass us by.

You succeed when you seize the opportunities life presents to you. That success almost never happens overnight.

It happens when you string together small win after small win.

Is life presenting you with your next win?

What happens if you pass up another opportunity, and you don’t launch on Amazon?

You will lose market share.
You will be giving up market share to your competitors without a fight.

You will lose money. The average brand sells 5-10x more on Amazon compared to their Shopify website. If you don’t seize this opportunity, you are missing out on 5x of your current Shopify sales.

You will lose massive brand exposure. You will miss out on 300 million Amazon customers and 2.2 billion site visits per month. That visibility would help you increase sales on all channels.

You will miss a huge opportunity. You are missing out on an Amazon marketplace that sells $417 billion annually by third party sellers – just like you.

You will lose access to new customers. You will lose access to 200 million Amazon Prime members. Most Amazon Prime members buy Prime-eligible products.


What if you try to launch on Amazon by yourself, but you don’t get the right experts on your side?

You could create problems that cost you thousands in sales –

  • Amazon is complex for beginners. It’s easy to create issues that make it difficult to sell or that prevent you from selling altogether.

  • By the time you notice you need to fix these issues, they may have already cost you thousands in missed sales.

  • These mistakes can also cost thousands of dollars in agency fees to fix, and sometimes you can’t fix them at all.

You could set up your brand wrong, which restricts your access to tools, permissions, and listing functionality –

  • Account setup mistakes can lead to problems such as losing access to ad types and content tools. These are key tools for your brand’s success.

  • Incorrect setup can allow other sellers to hijack your listings.

  • Incorrect setup might restrict your ability to report trademark abuse in the future.

  • Incorrect catalog setup can lead to problems with listing functionality. This causes negative reviews and reduces your chances for success. For example, your 1-pack variation might show the listing for your 5-pack variation.


You could waste thousands on shipping mistakes, storage fees, and ad campaigns –

You could increase shipping costs by

  • Mislabeling items

  • Using the incorrect shipping box

  • Not following Amazon’s shipping policies

Amazon FBA changes its storage allowance and fees throughout the year. Among other problems, this could cause you to:

  • Pay long-term storage fees

  • Run out of inventory space

  • Go out-of-stock on your best sellers

You could lose money on your ad campaigns by:

  • Using the wrong ad strategies

  • Not optimizing your ad campaigns for the right keywords

  • Sending traffic to unoptimized listings

You can prevent all these mistakes from the beginning.

In 8 weeks, your brand could be unrecognizable from what it looks like now. You could finally live up to your true potential.

That is what CAN happen… but no one is going to come and give it to you. If you want it, you have to go get it.

This is the one great story, YOUR story, where you finally get the courage to tip over the first domino. Where you start to string together the small wins that lead to massive success.

We know that everything happens for a reason. That there are no coincidences. That you found your way here for a reason.

I know that. You know that.

Change your future today, and finally turn on the engine that will power your success.

Launch on Amazon Today


If you have any questions or concerns about Amazon Launch, email us.
We’re happy to help.
