Get Your Product to Amazon’s Top of Search is a search engine first and foremost.
People use Amazon to research products that match what they are looking to buy in the near future. Because these people are so close to making a buying decision, it is extremely valuable for your brand to be as visible as possible to Amazon keyword searches.
Not only is it important to be visible, but also to grab the attention of the searcher so that they click on your brand’s listings or navigate to your brand’s Amazon storefront, where they will hopefully be converted into a paying customer.
Often, these shoppers do not complete their purchase on Amazon, and go directly to the brand’s website or to a brick and mortar location locally to make their purchase. Because of this, having your product at top of search, and having listing pages and a brand store that convert is even more important than most people realize.
For example, we launched a product with a brand on Amazon in late 2021. The brand was running no other advertising anywhere except for Amazon. Not only did we get sales moving on Amazon, but we saw a large increase in sales to the brand store as well.
Selling on Amazon works…
Don’t listen to what anyone says, Amazon is the cheapest and most effective way to bring new customers to your brand.
Amazon’s branding tools allow smaller brands to look like bigger brands. On the other hand, many large brands look like small brands on Amazon due to lack of prioritizing their Amazon brand presence. This is an opportunity for small and medium size brands to grow fast and be profitable sooner.
To simplify this process, these are the 3 strategies we have to get right to be maximize visibility of our brand on Amazon:
Click Through
1. Placement
We need to place at or near the top of the search results page for valuable keywords, taking up as many spots near the top of the search results page as possible. We can accomplish this through paid advertising and strong organic rankings. Like the saying goes, “the best place to hide a dead body is on page 4 of Amazon search.”
It’s important to optimize listing pages with keywords we want to be ranked for. Amazon scans these keywords in order to decide which products are most relevant to a search. Higher relevancy means better organic rankings and cheaper clicks for advertising.
Amazon Search Results (Paid and Organic)
2. Click Through
We need to have an optimized main image that interrupts the customers scanning of the search results page. We need a concise and descriptive title and price point to get them to click on through to our listing page or to our brand store. Promotions help a lot with click through rate and conversion, as the badge stands out from other listings on the page.
Amazon considers click-through-rate when choosing which products to show in search results.
Stand out with colorful main image, good reviews, and price promotions
3. Conversion
Conversion rate is important because it is a major factor in organic search ranking algorithm and the cost of our advertising. Simply, Amazon will show listings that make them more money.
Higher converting listings are more profitable, are ranked higher in organic rankings, and have lower Cost-per-clicks due to the relevancy factor of the Amazon PPC bid auction process.
Optimized Listing Page
Another very important factor for both keyword search ranking, click through rate, and conversion rate are reviews. The stakes are high and reviews on Amazon need to be carefully managed.
Amazon reviews, for better or worse, are trusted by customers while shopping on Amazon, while shopping on other online marketplaces, and even in brick and mortal locations.
Strong review scores and review counts also make it easier to rank higher for organic keyword search and reduce the cost per click of running Amazon ads for those top paid placements.
These days, it is more important than ever for your brand and products to be featured at the top of Amazon search results for valuable keywords. If you want to quickly and profitably build your brand on and off Amazon, invest in your brand presence and customer satisfaction on Amazon first, and enjoy the benefits anywhere your product is sold.
Petros Neofotistos
Petros lives on the cutting edge of e-commerce marketing and data analytics. He helps clients build strategies to target and retarget customer segments that lead to sales. He can take the overwhelming amount of business data available to brands, find the important information, and apply that information to business and marketing decisions with a tight feedback loop.