Your Go-To Guide for Amazon Brand Store Content Blocks’ Dimensions & Specs
This blog is a go-to guide for the available content blocks in your Amazon brand store builder.
Brand Store Content
Your Amazon brand store is a place where shoppers can explore all of your products in one place. Your brand store is accessible to shoppers from headline ads and from below your product’s title on any listing page (Note that this only works if your product is properly connected to your brand store. If you need help connecting your product to your brand store, contact us.). When building your brand store, you are given 13 content block options:
Split section
Image with text
Shoppable image
Background video
Product grid
Best-selling products
Recommended products
Featured deals
Below I will walk you through each content block, how it works, and any file dimensions and specs you will need to know.
Split Section
Split section blocks give you a preset layout that you can fill with content. There are two types of split sections:
Variable-height section layouts
Basic section layouts
For (1) variable-height section layouts, your options for content are:
Product (connected via ASIN)
Content options for variable-height section layouts.
For (2) basic section layouts, your options for content are:
Product (connected via ASIN)
Image with text
Shoppable image – tag up to 6 products in an image (connected via ASIN)
Background video
Content options for basic section layouts.
Here are all the layout options you are given for desktop:
Here are the same layout options as above in mobile format:
When adding images, here are the dimensions and specs you need to know:
A product block is much simpler. Just connect an ASIN and choose between “product details” or “product editorial” for your displayed text option. “Product details” automatically displays information from the listing page, while “product editorial” allows you to write a custom title and description. Your product block will look like this on your brand store:
The image block allows you add a full width image that is hyperlinked to an Amazon listing via ASIN. Image width should be 3,000 px. Your image block will look like this:
Image with text
For this content block you can add an image with headline text (2 lines) and body text (3 lines). Your image should be 3,000 px wide, and your text can either be “inline” or “overlay.” Below are examples of inline (left) and overlay (right) content blocks:
The text box in overlay mode has these customizable features:
Text size
Text alignment
Text box color & opacity
Distance from edge
Shoppable image
Shoppable images allow you to “tag” images with up to 6 different products, which you connect via ASIN and then pin onto the image. Here is an example of what this would look like:
Your text blocks allow you to have up to 20 lines of text. All caps (“CAPS”), random-casing (“random Casing”), and camel-casing (“CaMeL CaSiNg”) are not allowed in your text, but you are allowed to set the entire text field to CAPS and/or BOLD if you choose. You can hyperlink your text block to an Amazon listing page via ASIN. Below is an example text block using 15/20 lines:
Videos must be at least 1,280 x 640 pixels, and less than 100mb. Avi, mov, mpg, mpeg, mp4, m4a, m4v, and m4p files are supported. We recommend videos are 1,920 x 1,080 pixels – just make sure your file size is under 100mb. If you need to compress your file size, don’t sacrifice dimensions. Use the app “Video Compress Pro” and reduce the Kbps bitrate by 50% and see if that helps get you under 100mb.
You can also add a cover image that will be displayed on your brand store before shoppers click the play button. This image must be at least 3,000 x 1,500 pixels, and we recommend creating an image that is 3,000 x 1,688 pixels at 300 ppi resolution (this is 1080p aspect ratio scaled up to 3,000 px wide).
Background video
Background videos must be at least 1,280 x 640, with a max height of 1,500 px, and must be between 2-20 seconds in length. Avi, mov, mpg, mpeg, mp3, m4a, m4v and m4p files are supported. This video will automatically play on a loop with no sound.
Google’s “Nest” has a background video on its brand store tab, showing the amount of energy they have saved counting upwards.
Product grid
Product grids allow you to display a wide range of your brand’s products that are clickable and take shoppers to the listing. You can add products to this grid in three ways:
Automatically, using keywords: Type keywords into a text field and relevant products will appear in your product grid
Manually, by search: Search products by ASIN and add them to a list
Manually, by entering a list: Type ASINs into a text field separated by comas (you can add up to 500 ASINs)
For both manual grids, you have the option to have Amazon automatically hide out-of-stock products.
Galleries allow you to display images in a carousel with left and right arrow. Galleries must have between 3 to 8 images. Images must be at least 1,500 x 750 pixels. In addition to the images, you can add a headline and description. Here is a gallery for Google’s Nest:
Best-selling products
The best-selling products content block is automatically updated to reflect your best-selling products. This content block cannot be edited:
Recommended products
The recommended products content block is automatically generated for each visitor of your store:
Featured deals
Add up to 500 ASINs in a text field separated by commas. Amazon will update this grid for shoppers based on live deals and product availability.