How to Participate in Amazon Shopping Events

In an earlier blog, I shared the Amazon shopping events you need to know about every year. These shopping events happen around the same time each year and serve as a great opportunity to promote your relevant products and get in front of customers when they are most likely to buy.

Now that you know when these shopping events, let’s go over how to participate in Amazon shopping events. Since Amazon promotes these events with additional marketing efforts, there is an increase in traffic to the site. Below I’ve shared a few best practices to make sure you’re getting the most out of the additional exposure during these times throughout the year.

1.  Relevant products

Carefully select which products you will promote during these events. For example, you would not want to promote sweet and savory foods in January as most shoppers will be starting out on a health and wellness journey and looking for health and fitness products.


2.  Review product listing pages

Make sure that your products have been added to the Amazon catalog with optimized high quality and high-resolution images, excellent description, title, and bullet points


3.  Manage inventory

Make sure you have enough inventory for buyers to purchase without running out of stock. The more inventory you have in stock, the more likely your products will be included in merchandising opportunities. If Amazon sees there is a chance your product is at risk of selling out, they will not feature your product as this would result in a bad customer experience.


4.  Competitive Pricing

Make sure we have priced our products appropriately as per our market research, competitor research, and other factors


5.  Create Lightning Deals

One of the best ways to gain more visibility for your products on Amazon is by using Lightning Deals. Amazon allows sellers to offer flash sales where your products are featured for several hours on the Amazon Deals Page - one of the pages on Amazon with highest number of visitors. These flash sales are known as Lightning Deals.

Purpose of offering Lightning Deals:

  • To improve discoverability of your products

  • Boost sales by creating a halo effect for your whole brand

  • Clear out overstock or excess inventory

For a bonus, add enhanced content to the details pages you are promoting. This enhanced content can lead to better customer engagement, conversion, and higher sales.

6.  Sponsored Products

Remember to review your campaign budgets. Higher traffic to the site means that campaign budgets can be quickly depleted. It is recommended to increase your budgets and bidding for a better chance of getting in front of shoppers.


7.  Seasonality

Prepare for the seasonality of these events when it comes to your inventory. For example, if you look at past data and see that your sales always spike during Father’s Day, you will need more inventory from the end of May through mid-June than you would in October and November.



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