Your Go-To Guide for Amazon A+ Content Dimensions & Specs

This blog is a go-to guide for the dimensions, resolution, and specs when creating A+ Content in Amazon seller central.


Where do I find my A+ Content in Amazon Seller Central?

Just below your listing, there is a space for additional content, which is referred to as both “A+ Content” and “Enhanced Brand Content” by Amazon. In this space, you can expand on product features, show how to use the product, promote other products in your brand, and more. Amazon allows you to use up to 6 rows of content referred to as “modules.” These modules are pre-designed with specific image specs and character counts. To access the A+ Content builder, navigate to Seller Central’s “Advertising” tab at the top and then click “A+ Content Manager.”

Below is a list of all the A+ Content module types, the respective image specs, and the respective text field specs for each:

How do I effectively use A+ Content?

Below is an example of A+ Content I really love. Yamay promotes other color variations of their product and expands on their product’s features in detail. This A+ Content also takes up a lot of real estate and thus disrupts shoppers on their way to reading reviews.


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