What is Amazon Follow?

What is Amazon Follow?

Just like we follow creators and brands on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter- Amazon allows shoppers to follow your brand on their platform. Amazon introduced the follow feature to allow brands to keep up with consumers increasing demand for engagement and to allow brands the chance to target customers who already enjoy their product.

Amazon’s follow feature brings a social media-esque platform experience to its marketplace. For the most part, it works similarly to the traditional forms of social media that we’re used to. By following brands that they love, shoppers will get updates such as new product announcements, store updates, posts, and notifications for livestreams. Additionally, following brands allows shoppers to curate what ads, products, and brands are more likely to appear when browsing on Amazon.

As a seller, how can I engage with my Amazon followers?

The follow feature allows brands to engage with customers in three ways: Brand Stores, Amazon Live and Posts.

Brand Stores

Over time, Amazon has continued to add features and capabilities to Brand Stores- including a “follow” button that appears at the top of the page. A compelling brand store is one of your biggest opportunities to entice shoppers, and even if they don’t immediately make a purchase, clicking the “follow” button will lead to opportunities to market your product to an already-interested customer in the future.

Amazon Live

Think of Amazon Live as a modern-day home shopping channel, where Amazon lets you shop live with influencers. The platform allows sellers to “engage with shoppers in real time and drive sales with interactive live streams.”

When a user comes across your brand’s livestream, they’ll see the follow button appear in the top right corner of the video. After shoppers have followed, they’ll be notified every time that you start a livestream, giving you more opportunities to turn those views into sales.

In 2018, a study found that 85% of millennials have purchased a product after watching a video. Pair that with the fact that in 2020, 96% of consumers increased their online video consumption and 9 out of 10 viewers said that they wanted to see more videos from brands, and the power of video marketing is undeniable.


Amazon Posts allows sellers to post lifestyle images that show up similar manner to a “feed” on other social media platforms. Shoppers will be able to scroll through the feed and click on your posts to be taken directly to the product detail page. Shoppers who follow a brand are automatically notified whenever the brand publishes a new Amazon post.

Who is eligible to use Amazon Follow?

Only brands who have been approved by Amazon’s Brand Registry are eligible to offer the follow feature.

How Do I Enroll?

If you’ve been approved by Brand Registry, you’ve been automatically enrolled. You don’t need to take any extra steps to ensure that the “follow” button is at the top of your store or livestream.

What can Amazon Follow help me to achieve?

Ultimately, Amazon’s follow feature is a powerful tool for brands to drive sales with direct marketing to those who are already interested in your products. Think of it the same way that you view the followers of brands on Instagram. Users are following a brand because they’ve either already purchased a product or are interested in potentially doing so. Every post and story update is another chance for a brand to engage with customers, and possibly make a sale.

Just like Instagram, Amazon follow allows you to educate the consumer about your products through multiple types of medias, including live video.

The follow feature can help you to achieve higher conversion rates, increased brand awareness, and better, more engaged relationships with your customers.

Check out the Amazon Follow Guide for more information.


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